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Mastering the Arabic Alphabet: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pronouncing and Reading the 28 Hijaiyah Letters

Mastering the Arabic Alphabet: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here are examples of how to read each letter of the Arabic alphabet:

أ (Alif) - Pronounced like the English letter "A" as in "apple."

ب (Ba) - Pronounced like the English letter "B" as in "bat."

ت (Ta) - Pronounced like the English letter "T" as in "top."

ث (Tha) - Pronounced like the English letter "TH" as in "thin."

ج (Jim) - Pronounced like the English letter "J" as in "jump."

ح (Ha) - Pronounced like the English letter "H" but with more emphasis from the throat.

خ (Kha) - Pronounced like a strong "KH" sound, similar to the Spanish "J" in "jalapeño."

د (Dal) - Pronounced like the English letter "D" as in "dig."

ذ (Dhal) - Pronounced like the English "TH" but with a softer "dh" sound, as in "this."

ر (Ra) - Pronounced like the English letter "R" as in "run."

ز (Zay) - Pronounced like the English letter "Z" as in "zebra."

س (Sin) - Pronounced like the English letter "S" as in "sun."

ش (Shin) - Pronounced like the English "SH" as in "she."

ص (Sad) - Pronounced like the English letter "S" but with more emphasis from the throat.

ض (Dad) - Pronounced like the English "D" but with more emphasis from the throat.

ط (Taa) - Pronounced like the English "T" but with more emphasis from the throat.

ظ (Zaa) - Pronounced like the English "Z" but with more emphasis from the throat.

ع (Ain) - Pronounced like a voiced "A" from the throat, somewhat similar to the French "R."

غ (Ghain) - Pronounced like a guttural "GH" sound, similar to the French "R" in the back of the throat.

ف (Fa) - Pronounced like the English letter "F" as in "fish."

ق (Qaf) - Pronounced like the English letter "Q" as in "queen."

ك (Kaf) - Pronounced like the English letter "K" as in "key."

ل (Lam) - Pronounced like the English letter "L" as in "love."

م (Meem) - Pronounced like the English letter "M" as in "moon."

ن (Noon) - Pronounced like the English letter "N" as in "night."

هـ (Ha) - Pronounced like the English letter "H" as in "hot."

و (Waw) - Pronounced like the English letter "W" as in "water."

ي (Ya) - Pronounced like the English letter "Y" as in "yellow."

These examples should help you get started with reading the Arabic alphabet more easily. Practice regularly, and with time, you will become more comfortable and proficient in reading Arabic script. Happy learning!

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