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What happens when humans are dying?

spirit leaving

Indeed, every living being in the world will inevitably encounter death.

Every living creature in this world will undoubtedly encounter death.

We need to be aware and still reckon that this realm is merely for a moment. 

We shall recognize that the sphere we have undertake and what we posses, we would not be capable to lug them with us after we pass over and get back to the eternity.

Because of this, in Islam, it is encouraged to always be prepared for and mindful of death.

dying process

Death is an inevitable aspect of every person's life, which is why it's not surprising that many people worldwide ponder the eternal question of what it feels like to die.

As a palliative care expert, you believe that the dying process typically occurs around two weeks before a person passes away.


During this period, people tend to be less healthy. They often struggle to walk and feel drowsy, finding it challenging to stay awake for extended periods.

As the final days of life approach, the ability to swallow tablets or consume food and drink diminishes.

Around this time, palliative care experts refer to people as being in "active dying" and typically estimate they have two to three days left to live.

However, some individuals may go through the entire phase within one day.

Indeed, some individuals can endure at the brink of death for nearly a week before passing away, which can be very distressing for their families.

Each person's experience is unique, and it is challenging to predict how it will unfold.

The moment of death is inherently difficult to describe.

However, in unpublished research conducted by my own team, it was found that as someone approaches death, stress-related chemicals in the body increase.

For people with cancer, and possibly others as well, markers of inflammation in the body also rise. This condition usually occurs when the body is fighting an infection.

Some individuals have shared their experiences of approaching death or even described near-death experiences after accidents or illnesses.

Our bodies undergo various peculiar changes during this time, which can be either comforting or concerning.

When we die, doctors also have an idea of what we might experience based on the symptoms they often observe in dying patients. So, what happens when we die?

The body reacts in various ways.

As a person approaches death, their body will experience gradual changes. These changes can manifest in different ways.

For instance, the heart will start beating slower, and as blood circulation slows down, blood pressure decreases. During this time, some people may feel confused or strange, while others may experience a sense of calmness.

Shallow breathing.

One of the most noticeable signs that someone is dying is changes in their breathing. Medical professionals can easily recognize the signs that a person is nearing death, as the patient may begin to breathe slower and more shallowly.

Breathing may also become very noisy as people lose their ability to swallow and control their throat. Eventually, breathing stops, and the heart eventually ceases to beat.

Brain activity.

Numerous studies suggest that people may still be able to hear when they are dying. Researchers who have observed brain activity argue that some forms of consciousness may occur during a person's final moments.

Although they may hear, they might not fully comprehend what is happening, but it seems that in many cases, people do take note of something.

Elizabeth Blundon, the lead author who researched electrical brain activity in hospital patients when they became unresponsive, stated, "In the final hours before an expected natural death, many people enter a period of unresponsiveness. Our data shows that the brains of dying people can respond to sound, even in an unconscious state, until the final hours of life."

"We don't have a proven way to investigate what people experience during the dying process. Recent research suggests that even as death approaches, the subconscious brain responds to sounds in the room. We don't know the extent to which music or sounds affect the dying person," Mannix added.

darkness sensation

When the spirit leaves the body

Many people describe the sensation of being pulled out of their bodies during the dying process. Some say they feel like they are heading toward some sort of light, while others describe everything turning dark.

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