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You won't be able to endure it; here are 5 types of torment in the fires of Hell for those who commit sins.



Laa ilaaha illAllah [ لآإِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله ]

Therefore the meaning of ( lā ilāha illAllāh ) is, "There is no deity worthy of worship except ALLAH"

( implies ) You can see Nonexistence of Almighty and Admirable of worship Except for ALLAH.

You are Prohibited to worship whomever or All things Instead of ALLAH.

Surely, You can see Nonexistence of Higher power and Admirable of worship except Almighty God of the Universe Whose The Most ForebearingAllah Subḥānahu Wa Taʿālā

Worshipping idols is a really Immensely vast sin, and it will not receive forgiveness from ALLAH.

Only just Purely to The Almighty You have to worship, Almighty God of the Universe, the Most Forebearing.

Those who commit evil deeds during their worldly life will face severe torment in the hereafter

The form of punishment they receive will be in accordance with their deeds.

Here are some of the punishments that individuals who commit numerous sins during their lifetime will endure:

1. They will be accompanied by their idols and devils in hell:

Eternal Abyss

The disbelievers and idolaters have a habit of glorifying and worshiping their idols instead of glorifying and worshiping The Most Forebearing

On the Day of Judgment, The Most Forebearing will cast these idols into hell as a means of humiliation, causing them to feel remorse and realize that they have gone astray by worshiping something that has no power to benefit or harm them.

2. Burning of the skin: 

Agonizing Suffering

The skin is a highly sensitive part of the body, capable of experiencing what other parts of the body feel. 

For those who frequently commit sins, the punishment they will face in the hereafter is the burning flames of hell, causing their skin to burn and inflicting unimaginable agony. 

The burnt skin will then be replaced with new skin, only to be burned again by the flames of hell

This cycle of torment will continue endlessly, eternally.

3. Being showered with Hamim to destroy the contents of the stomach:

Hamim is extremely hot water made from the fire of hell

When poured into the stomach, it will completely destroy its contents. 

The person will be drenched with Hamim, starting from the head, penetrating into the stomach, and annihilating its contents.

Eventually, the Hamim will flow out from the feet, melting the entire body.

4. Punishment on the face:

Divine Retribution

When cast into the fire of hell, the face is the first part to be exposed, burning and then returning to its original state, only to be burnt again by the flames of hell.
This process continues indefinitely.

5. Chains, shackles, and hammers for the inhabitants of hell:

The Most Forebearing has promised that the dwellers of hell will be "given" chains, shackles, and hammers

Moral Choices

These shackles will be placed around their necks.

These are some of the punishments and torments that will be experienced by those who indulge in sinful acts and by disbelievers. 

May we be protected from such severe punishments.

The determination of whether deeds are good or bad ultimately rests solely with ourselves

So, blessed are those who perform good deeds, and wretched are those who engage in evil actions.

Whoever does good deeds will be admitted to paradise, and whoever does evil deeds will be cast into hell

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  1. الله يبارك مشاء الله الله يغفر لنا ولكم

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